Film Script

Film Script 
Set as the sun is going down in modern day in a forest. First scene is the victim and the murderer. Close up shots of trees and bushes blowing in the wind. Close up of a puddle then a footstep splash runs through it. The camera is trucking along with the victim as he continues sprinting. Panting, the victim trips over a rock and falls onto the floor where the camera faces up and the murderer is looking down onto him wearing a face mask.  

The murderer grabs the victim's shirt and pulls him close to his face.  
Murderer (Angrily): “This is what you deserve” 
As soon as the word ‘deserve’ is said, the murderer pulls back his fist and hits the victim in the face, knocking him out where the camera fades to black.  

Still in the forest 
-Murderer is carrying the victim over his shoulder as he slowly becomes conscious again. He is tied up at the hands (behind his back), feet and mouth. Victim is making groaning noises as if he is in pain. They approach a small shack in the middle of nowhere which is locked up with many different locks. The murderer opens the locks and pushes the door open slowly. In the shack there are multiple different bodies wrapped up. The murderer throws the man onto the floor and stares at him. He then turns around to walk out as the man is screaming for help.  

The victim begins to sob out loud.  
Victim (Muffled speech): “NooooNoooo, Help Me...... 

Door slams. 

I made the script for the film which describes the scenes for the short film and the speech for the actors. There is not much speech in my film as it is meant to be a horror/mystery and i'm wishing to keep that mysterious genre. 


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